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We are excited to welcome the Franksville Veterinary Clinic care team to Prairie Side!

Our Franksville Clinic and Prairie Side have combined to give you and your pets the best in veterinary care.

Your Local Veterinarians In Racine, Kenosha, and Franksville.

We believe that each animal we treat is an individual and should be treated as such. Our team provides the utmost care when it comes to each pet and their needs. Regardless if you’re in for a preventative care visit, nutrition counseling, or a more serious surgery, our veterinarians and technicians are with you and your pet every step of the way.

Each of our veterinarians provides individualized veterinary care designed to help your family. We look forward to seeing you and your pet today!

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Meet Our Veterinarians

Get to know more about our veterinarians and care team. More bios coming soon!


Dr. Allison Meiszberg

Dr. Allison has always had a special interest in the sciences, but the ability to care for animals and their parents is the main reason she decided to become a veterinarian. She loves the nurturing aspect of her career and feels honored to serve families in this capacity. From an early age, Dr. Allison enjoyed caring for her personal pets (dogs, cats, the occasional chicken), but it wasn’t until high school that Dr. Allison realized that a career in Veterinary Medicine would best suit her.
In 2005, Dr. Allison moved to Ames, IA to pursue her dreams of becoming a veterinarian. She started working with pigs and developed a love for them as well! She enjoyed working with all different species and getting to practice medicine, surgery, dermatology, etc. on all of them kept her on her toes. She finally decided to exclusively practice with companion animals in her final year of school. In 2013, Dr. Allison graduated with a concurrent Masters in Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

After leaving Iowa, Dr. Allison practiced in the Chicago area, working as both an associate veterinarian and a relief veterinarian. This allowed Dr. Allison to see many different types of practices and communities, which she loved. Dr. Allison decided to come back home to WI in 2020 and is so happy to be back to her roots. Her favorite part of veterinary medicine is seeing the bond between pets and their people. Dr. Allison strives to make sure that every animal that walks through the door receives the best medicine – it is her goal to provide individualized and quality care for each patient. Dr. Allison has special interests in soft tissue surgery and feline medicine.

Dr. Allison currently lives near Lake Geneva with her family. She has 3 dogs – Emmitt is a “super-mutt” (rottweiler, hound, lab, and more), Branch is a rescued shih tzu, and Winifred Sanderson (Winnie) is a red Doberman Pinscher. In her free time (and when the weather cooperates), Dr. Allison enjoys spending time on the lake and has taken up a newer hobby of golfing. She also enjoys baking, traveling, and hiking.


Dr. Katie Huggins

After Katie graduated with her DVM in 2006 from University of Wisconsin – Madison she spent 11 years practicing in Wichita, KS. However, she always wanted to return to Wisconsin where she spent most of her childhood and where most of her extended family lives. Katie was happy to join the Prairie Side team in July of 2017!

Katie gravitated towards veterinary medicine because of her love of problem solving and an affinity for the sciences. Becoming a veterinarian helped her experience both on a daily basis, in addition to helping the furry animals she has always loved. Above all, she really enjoys the “Aha!” moment of finding out what is troubling her patients, laying out a course of action, and then seeing them feel better again. Dermatology can be especially satisfying because once the right treatment is found, the improvement can be dramatic.

Katie had the privilege of spending time in Nicaragua and Ecuador with Christian Veterinary Missions and was able to exchange knowledge with the local animal care teams in the remote villages. That experience taught her just how much can be accomplished with few resources, as long as one listens hard and is willing to think creatively.

Katie is married and has three children and two cats, Maguffin the Fluffin and Shiny Pteranadon (children picked the names). ‘Guffin enjoys sitting in windows and hunting ice cubes, while Shiny prefers stealing entire skeins of yarn out of her knitting bag and chewing the fingers off Barbies. She enjoys all fiber arts and taught herself crochet, learned knitting from her grandmother, and most recently started quilting. She also loves cooking and baking, especially pies.

Meet Our Team

Get to know more about our veterinarians and care team. More bios coming soon!

Practice Manager/ CVT


Bio coming soon!
Veterinary Assistant


Bio coming soon!
Veterinary Assistant


Bio coming soon!
Veterinary Assistant


Bio coming soon!
Veterinary Receptionist


Tammy’s dog Summer ate several pounds of raw hamburger, a few days later symptoms began to appear. Tammy immediately rushed her to the clinic where the veterinarian performed surgery and saved her life. A bad situation had a very happy ending, which is one reason Tammy loves the Veterinary Profession.

Tammy was born in Prairie du Chien and grew up on a farm. She has always had a love and compassion for all animals. She moved to Racine with her parents, two sisters, and a brother when her father accepted a new job here.

Tammy worked in the human medical field as a Dental Assistant before she decided to switch careers and work in the veterinary profession. She is able to work at a job she loves every day. She enjoys spoiling our patients by giving them treats and sharing her affection for them.

Tammy raised two sons, who both love dogs too. Rounding out the family is Summer, her Norwegian Elkhound Mix. Summer was a handful the first two years of her life. She especially enjoyed eating household belongings and of course raw hamburger.

Tammy previously had a deer farm and raised pheasants and pigeons. Tammy says “Animals are amazing creatures and I enjoy caring for them all.”